Quick Links
- Renew My Tag Online
- When To Renew
- Ways To Renew
- Transfer A Tag
- Register Vehicle – New to Georgia
- Register Vehicle – New to Hall County
- Request A Renewal Notice
- Get A Duplicate Registration
- Register A Recently-Purchased Vehicle
- Title Tax Due
- Ad Valorem Tax Due
- Ordering A Special Tag
- Registering an Off-Highway Vehicle

Renew My Tag Online
You must renew your vehicle registration by the renewal date each year or tax and tag penalties are assessed. Not receiving a renewal notice does not relieve the registered owner from the obligation to renew the vehicle’s registration by the due date. Penalties will not be waived because the owner did not receive a renewal notice.
- To find your tag renewal fee amount, click here.
Renew your tag online.
Credit cards accepted online are American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa. The Georgia Department of Revenue charges a credit card convenience fee to use this service. Note: Only hit ‘submit’ once to renew.
A tag cannot be renewed online if the vehicle
- does not have a valid Georgia insurance policy, which must be electronically transmitted to the state database by the insurance company.
- weighs over 8,500 pounds.
- is covered by a Georgia Fleet insurance policy or a Georgia self-insured insurance policy.
- currently has a specialty license plate that requires supporting documentation in order to renew (e.g., military, certified firefighters and amateur radio plates).
- registered owner has a change of address.
When to Renew Your Registration
For more information on when to renew your vehicle registration, click here.
The due date is the birthday of the first person listed on the title.
Click here for a list of renewal dates for registrations in the name of businesses that are not IRP.
Click here for a list of renewal dates for IRP registrations.
Renew On Time
Not receiving a renewal notice does not relieve the registered owner from the obligation to renew the vehicle’s registration by the due date. Penalties will not be waived because the owner did not receive a renewal notice. Contact us at tagoffice@hallcounty.org or 770-531-6950 for a copy of the renewal notice or to receive total amount due.
To ensure timely processing and to avoid penalties, carefully read the renewal notice and any enclosed insert for instructions and additional information. All renewal requirements must be met before the renewal can be processed. If a renewal is submitted without all the required information, it will be returned to the owner and tax/tag penalties will be applied.
Any paperwork, license plates or renewal decals processed in the Hall tag office can only be returned to the registered owner of the vehicle or a family member with valid government-issued identification showing the same last name and/or same address as the registered owner or someone granted power of attorney.
Ways To Renew
You must renew your vehicle registration by the renewal date each year or tax and tag penalties are assessed. Not receiving a renewal notice does not relieve the registered owner from the obligation to renew the vehicle’s registration by the due date. Penalties will not be waived because the owner did not receive a renewal notice.
Renewal Options
Kiosks let you renew your tag and walk away with your decal. Click here for a list of kiosk locations.
The following are required to use a kiosk:
- A valid Georgia driver’s license
- The correct address on your renewal notice
- Proof of liability insurance transmitted to the state system
Credit and debit cards accepted at the kiosks are Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Processing fees apply and are added to the total due. Note: A tag cannot be renewed at a kiosk if it has a specialty license plate that requires supporting documentation to renew (e.g., military, certified firefighters and amateur radio plates) or if titled owners live in different counties.
Renew your tag online. Credit cards accepted online are American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa. Note: The Georgia Department of Revenue charges a credit card convenience fee to use this service.
A tag cannot be renewed online if the vehicle:
- Does not have a valid Georgia insurance policy, which must be electronically transmitted to the state database by the insurance company
- Weighs over 8,500 pounds
- Is covered by a Georgia Fleet insurance policy or a Georgia self-insured insurance policy
- Currently has a specialty license plate that requires supporting documentation to renew (e.g., military, certified firefighters and amateur radio plates)
- Registered owner has a change of address
To ensure timely processing and to avoid penalties, carefully read the renewal notice for instructions and additional information. All renewal requirements must be met before the renewal can be processed. If a renewal is submitted without all the required information, it will be returned.
Personal checks or money orders are accepted. Credit cards are no longer accepted through the mail.
Mail renewal payments to:
P.O. BOX 1579
- Make checks and money orders payable to “Hall County Tax Commissioner.”
- Hall County tag offices cannot accept two-party checks.
- If paying by check, the pre-printed last name and Hall County address on the check must match the last name and Hall County address of the registered owner of the vehicle.
- Important Note: If you pay with a check, keep in mind that checks are processed, deposited and debited from your account very quickly, usually the next business day. Before you write a check, make sure your account has enough money to cover it.
- If your check is dishonored by the bank, a service fee will be assessed in accordance with state law and federal guidelines.
- Starter or counter checks are not accepted.
- Mailed-in renewal payments must be postmarked by the US Postal Service on or before the renewal date or tax and tag penalties will apply. If the renewal is received without proper payment or required documents, the renewal will be returned and the due date cannot be extended. Tax and tag penalties will apply.
In Person
Visit the Hall County tag office.
Payment methods include cash, personal checks, money orders, MasterCard, Visa and Discover (AMEX not accepted in person).
- Make checks and money orders payable to “Hall County Tax Commissioner.”
- The Hall County tag office cannot accept two-party checks.
- If paying by check, the pre-printed last name and Hall County address on the check must match the last name and Hall address of the registered owner.
- If the registered owner presents a check for payment, and the check does not include a pre-printed name and address, the registered owner must present a valid Georgia driver’s license or Georgia ID card with the current Hall County address.
- Starter or counter checks are not accepted.
- If paying by credit card, the card holder’s last name or address must match the registered owner’s last name or address. If the credit card presented is not the registered owner’s card, the card holder must be present with a valid Georgia driver’s license or Georgia ID card.
- If paying by debit card, the card holder must be present with a valid Georgia driver’s license or Georgia ID card.
Any paperwork, license plates or renewal decals processed by the Hall County tag office can only be returned to the registered owner of the vehicle or a family member with valid government-issued identification showing the same last name and/or same address as the registered owner or granted power of attorney.
Transfer A Tag
You may be able to transfer your valid Georgia tag from a vehicle you no longer own to a newly-purchased or newly-acquired vehicle. This must be done at the tag office.
The following are required to transfer a tag:
- The title must be applied for on the new vehicle.
- The first owner listed on the title must be the same for both vehicles unless the tag being transferred is a specialty or prestige tag. If it is a specialty or prestige tag and the first registered owner is not the same, the tag must be relinquished. Complete a relinquishment form and submit at the time of transfer.
- Current Georgia certificate of registration for the tag being transferred.
- Valid Georgia Insurance.
- Valid Georgia driver’s license or Georgia ID card reflecting the current Hall County address.
- $5 tag transfer fee (if the tag is current)
- $20 tag fee (plus special tag fees, if applicable) when transferring your plate during your registration period
- Ad valorem tax, if applicable
Please Note: Not all tags are transferable. To transfer a tag, both vehicles must require the same tag classification. For example, you cannot transfer a tag from your trailer to your car. If you are unsure whether or not your tag can be transferred to your new vehicle, contact us.
Any paperwork, license plates or renewal decals processed in the Hall County tag office can only be returned to the registered owner of the vehicle or a family member with valid government-issued identification showing the same last name and/or same address as the registered owner or granted power of attorney.
Register My Vehicle If I’m New To Georgia?
New Georgia Residents
Individuals have 30 calendar days after establishing residency to register their vehicles. The out-of-state vehicle registration is no longer valid after the 30-day period. If you do not register your vehicle within 30 days, penalties and fines are assessed.
New residents are required to pay a tag fee, a title fee, and a one-time title ad valorem tax (title tax) of 3%. The full amount is due upon titling any motor vehicle. Click here to determine the amount due.
- If you have a lienholder: The Georgia title will be mailed to the lienholder on file.
- If you do not have a lienholder: The Georgia title will be mailed to the registered owner at the address on file.
The following is a list of items you will need to bring to the Hall County tag office:
- Valid Georgia driver’s license or valid Georgia identification card with the current Hall County address for each owner
- Valid Georgia Insurance
- Original out-of-state title issued in your name OR
- If you have moved from another state and your lender or leasing company is holding your out-of-state title, you must complete and sign a Statement of Title Held by Lien Holder or Leasing Company and submit it with your original valid out-of-state registration certificate in lieu of your title
- If the vehicle is leased, you will also need an original notarized Power of Attorney from the leasing company and the lease agreement (with the name and address of the leasing company)
- Title Application signed by all owners while at the tag office or an original notarized Power of Attorney for any owner who is not present
- Valid current registration from the former state
- Date the owner moved to Georgia
- Current mileage
- If any owner is not present, a legible photocopy of the valid Georgia driver’s license or valid Georgia identification card is required
- If you need information on how to obtain a Georgia driver’s license or Georgia identification card, click here
Once your vehicle is registered, you are required to renew the registration by the vehicle’s renewal deadline each year, which is the registered owner’s birthday. For more information about tag renewals in Georgia, click here.
Any documents, paperwork, license plates or renewal decals processed in the Hall County tag office can only be returned to the registered owner of the vehicle or a family member with valid government-issued identification showing the same last name and/or same address as the registered owner.
Register My Vehicle If I’m New To Hall?
New Hall Residents
Registering a Vehicle from Another County in Georgia?
Your address can be changed by visiting the Hall County tag office and presenting a valid Georgia driver’s license or Georgia ID card with the current Hall County address.
You can also change your address online at the Georgia DOR’s Online Service Center. You must include a copy of your valid Georgia driver’s license or ID card.
The Georgia Department of Driver Services offers one free change of address on your Georgia Driver’s License online or in person at one of their facilities. Visit their website for more information.
Request A Renewal Notice
The renewal notice lists ad valorem taxes and/or tag renewal fees due along with any other applicable fees that must be collected to renew the vehicle’s registration. It also includes the Letter ID needed to renew online. They are mailed approximately 45-60 days prior to the registration expiration date.
- You can also find your tag renewal fee amount online at the Georgia Department of Revenue’s (DOR) website.
If you still would like a copy of your renewal notice, call 770-531-6950 or email tagoffice@hallcounty.org between 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).
If you have recently moved and did not receive a renewal notice, a change of address must be completed before a renewal notice can be sent.
Not receiving a renewal notice does not relieve the registered owner from the obligation to renew the vehicle’s registration by the due date. Penalties will not be waived because the owner did not receive a renewal notice.
Get A Duplicate Registration
There are two ways to get a duplicate of your vehicle registration:
- Visit the Georgia DOR’s Online Service Center and select ‘Replace Vehicle Registration.’ A copy of your registration will be emailed to you. This service is free.
- Visit YOUR Hall County tag office with your valid driver’s license. The charge for a duplicate registration is $1.
Any paperwork, license plates or renewal decals processed in the Hall County tag office can only be returned to the registered owner of the vehicle or a family member with valid government-issued identification showing the same last name and/or same address as the registered owner or granted power of attorney.
Register A Recently Purchased Vehicle
From a Dealership
- If you purchased a vehicle from a Georgia dealership and title tax is due, the dealer must submit the title application electronically through the Georgia Electronic Title and Registration System (ETR). Any exceptions must be submitted by the dealer to the Dealer Fleet Clerk for processing.
- If you purchased from an out-of-state dealership, in most cases, they will submit the necessary documents to the Dealer Fleet Clerk to apply for your title.
The title application must be processed prior to the registration being issued or at the same time the registration is issued.
Once the title application has been processed, and if you still need to register the vehicle, the dealer will send you a copy of the title receipt and you will need to visit the Hall County tag office. If you have not received a copy of the title receipt and it has been at least 25 days since the date of your purchase, contact the dealer to determine the status of your application.
For information on how to obtain a Georgia title, click here.
To register the vehicle, you need to bring the following items when visiting one of our offices:
- Valid Georgia driver’s license or Georgia identification card. If a new tag is to be issued, the Georgia DL or ID card must reflect a Hall County address.
If you purchase a brand new vehicle (i.e., one that has never been the subject of a sale at retail to the general public), you have the option of getting a two-year registration during your initial registration period for a $40 fee (standard plates only). Annual registration renewal applies thereafter. This is only for passenger cars designed to carry 10 passengers or less.
Title Tax Due
Determine Title Tax Due
Effective March 1, 2013, sales tax and the annual ad valorem tax were removed on newly-purchased vehicles and replaced with a one-time title tax. Visit the Georgia Department of Revenue website for the title tax calculator.
You can also contact the Department of Motor Vehicles at tagoffice@hallcounty.org or 770-531-6950 during business hours (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., excluding holidays) with the vehicle identification number, and we can calculate an estimate of taxes due.
Motor Vehicle Appeals
If you disagree with the State-provided vehicle value, you have 45 days from the date the registration fees were paid to file an appeal. Call the Board of Assessor’s office for more information at 770-531-6720.
Ad Valorem Tax Due
Determine Ad Valorem Tax Due
For online vehicle valuation and estimated ad valorem tax information, visit the Georgia DRIVES e-Services website.
Contact us with your vehicle identification number (VIN) and current address, and we can calculate an estimate of taxes due.
You may also email your VIN and current address to tagoffice@hallcounty.org to get an estimate.
Motor Vehicle Appeals
If you disagree with the State-provided vehicle value, you have 45 days from the date the registration fees were paid to file an appeal. Contact the Board of Assessor’s office at 770-531-6720 for more information.
Ordering A Special Tag
Special Tags
Visit the Georgia Department of Revenue’s website to view the list of available tags, associated fees, and information on any required qualifying documentation. Contact us to verify the documents required.
Most special tags require the following:
- A manufacturing fee to be paid for the initial issuance.
- An annual special tag fee in addition to the tag renewal fee due at the vehicle owner’s registration period.
- Any applicable ad valorem or title tax due.
- The registered owner’s valid Georgia driver’s license or Georgia ID card with Hall County address.
If you wish to request a special tag and it is time to renew your registration:
- Online: You will see a list of special tags that you can apply for while completing your online renewal. Select the tag you want then follow the prompts. Any additional fees involved are calculated in the total for the renewal. At the end of the transaction, there will be confirmation information to keep until you receive the tag in the mail (mailed to the registered owner’s address).
- By Mail: Write in the name of the special tag and add any additional fees involved in the spaces provided on the payment portion of the renewal notice. Submit the completed payment stub with any required documentation for the special tag to be issued to Hall County Tax Commissioner, P O Box 1579, Gainesville, GA 30503. (Please read all applicable instructions on the renewal notice.) Once the payment is received and processed, the special tag is mailed to the registered owner’s address.
- In Person: When you visit the Hall tag office, inform the associate which special tag you would like prior to renewing your vehicle registration. You will need to provide any required documentation for the special tag to be issued. All additional fees involved are calculated into the renewal total.
If you wish to request a special tag and it is not time to renew your registration, you can exchange the tag currently registered in person.
- When you visit the Hall tag office, bring the tag that is currently registered to the vehicle along with any required documentation for the issuance of the special tag. Additional fees involved to issue the special tag are charged at the time the tag exchange is processed.
- Online, By Mail or By Telephone: Tag exchanges cannot be processed online, by mail or over the telephone.
If you would like to choose your own letter and/or number combination (prestige tag), complete a Personal Prestige License Plate Application. Click here to verify that the combination you are applying for is available. A temporary tag will be issued at the time of application, and the Georgia DOR will mail the tag to you once it’s been manufactured.
As an agent of the state, the Tax Commissioner is required by Georgia law to collect these fees if taxpayers choose to purchase special tags.
Note: If all required fees are paid and the special tag requested is not in stock, you will receive a temporary operating permit. Once the special tag has been manufactured, it is mailed to the registered owner’s address.
Registering a Multipurpose Off-Highway Vehicle
Effective December 1, 2023, owners of multipurpose off-highway vehicles (MPOHVs) may voluntarily register their vehicles so they may be driven on county roads. For vehicles that qualify as MPOHVs, owners will be able to register their vehicles and receive a certificate of registration and a license plate. MPOHVs will not be titled.
For more information on registering MPOHV’s, visit the Georgia Department of Revenue’s website by clicking here.