Wherever you served, it is our privilege that you reside in Hall County and we thank you for your dedication to our country. We look forward to serving you in our office and your inquiries into military plates and taxes is very appreciated.
MILITARY LICENSE PLATES As active, honorably discharged, disabled or retired veterans, you are eligible for free veteran plate(s). Please bring your DD-214 so that we may help you find tags for which you are eligible.
To visit the Georgia Department of Revenue Website and view all the plates available along with their requirements click HERE. Here are a few examples:

All active and honorably discharged military veterans are eligible for free veteran plate ($20 value; tax applicable).

Purple Heart tag is available for those with a PH certificate or DD-214 with PH designation.This plate is free of cost as well as exempt from ad valorem and TAVT for one vehicle.

Disabled veteran tags are available for injured vets that have disabilities evaluated at 100%. Bring your current letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs as being 100% totally disabled. You will qualify if you are less than 100% but compensated at the 100% level due to individual unemployability.
MILITARY TAVT (TITLE AD VALOREM TAX) EXEMPTIONS(Recreational Vehicles are not elegible) Application HERE:
Military Disabled-Service Connected: O.C.G.A. 48-8-3(30) The sale of a vehicle to a service-connected disabled veteran where the veteran received a grant from the US Department of Veteran Affairs to purchase and specially adapt the vehicle to his/her disability? Present grant letter from the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Present current letter (Summary of Benefits) from the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Exemption available on one vehicle. When no longer own present exempted vehicle, then can apply for same exemption on new purchase.
Military Disabled-Constitutional Exemption: O.C.G.A. 48-5-478. Constitutional Exemption from Title Ad Valorem Tax(TAVT) for disabled veterans? Exemption available on one vehicle. When no longer own exempted vehicle, then can apply for same exemption on new purchase. Present current letter (Summary of Benefits) from the US Department of Veteran Affairs stating:
- Honorable discharged
- Rated 100% permanent and totally disabled
- Rated less than 100% disabled but entitled as 100% rate due to individual unemployability
- Entitled to receive a statutory award from VA for:
-loss or permanent loss of use of one or both feet
-loss or permanent loss of use of one or both hands
-loss of sight in one or both eyes
-permanent impairment of both eyes (central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye, with corrective glasses, or central visual acuity of more than 20/200 if there is a field defect in which the peripheral field has contracted to such an extent that the widest diameter of visual field subtends on angular distance no greater than 20 degrees in the better eye) - Surviving unmarried spouses of qualified deceased veteran
- Surviving minor children of qualified deceased veteran
Prisoner of War: O.C.G.A. 48-5-478.1 Exemption of certain motor vehicles owned by former prisoners of war or unmarried surviving spouse? Exemption available on one vehicle. When no longer own exempted vehicle, then can apply for same exemption on new purchase. Present DD214, Military 201 file and sufficient proof of his or her prisoner of war status.
Purple Heart Recipient: O.C.G.A. 48-5-478.2 Veterans awarded Purple heart exempt from Title Ad Valorem Taxes? Exemption available on one vehicle. When no longer own exempted vehicle, then can apply for same exemption on new purchase. Present DD214, Military 201 file and sufficient proof of his or her prisoner of war status.
Medal of Honor: O.C.G.A. 48-5-478.3 Tax exemption for veterans awarded Medal of Honor? Exemption available on one vehicle. When no longer own exempted vehicle, then can apply for same exemption on new purchase. Present Act of Congress Award of the Medal of Honor, form DD214, Military 201 file or similar sufficient proof of the award of the Medal of Honor. Designated plate required.